Eco Vadis Gold
We are delighted to announce that EcoVadis, the world’s largest and most trusted provider of Business Sustainability Ratings, has awarded The Printed Image a Gold Standard for our sustainability and CSR performance throughout our business.
This places The Printed image among the top 5% of more than 100k companies from around the world that have been analysed by EcoVadis. In the print industry we are now in the top 2% of all print companies around the world.
At the #HomeofSustainability within the last year we have further improved our overall score of 56 to 70 and are now rated as Advanced in all 4 EcoVadis metrics; Environment, Sustainable Procurement, Ethics and Labor & Human Rights.
We are also proud to be FSC Certified and ISO 9001 accredited. We truly are The Home of Sustainability